Water Plumbers Tutorial: Fix a Leaking Toilet

A leaking toilet is a sheer waste of water causing an increase in our utility bill and damage to the environment. In this water plumbers tutorial, we will show you how to fix a leaking toilet.


Leakage Due to Float and Inlet Valve

Float and inlet valve is the most common cause of leaking toilets. To inspect the float and inlet valve, take a look inside the water tank. If you notice that water level rises above the overflow tube, the float or inlet valve may have some fault. Float valve rises with the level of water and shuts the inlet valve when the water level rises above a certain level. If there is a fault in the float or the valve, the water will rise above the required level causing leakage. There is a slight chance that the problem can be corrected by adjusting the float screw. Float screw is located on the joint, where the float meets the valve. Try adjusting the valve. However, if nothing works, it is the time to repair or replace the float and inlet valve.

Leakage Due to Flapper

The loose or damaged flapper is the second most common cause of leaking toilets. The flapper is usually located at the bottom of the water bowl. It releases water when you push or pull the flush button. To check the flapper, turn off the water supply to the tank and monitor the water level. If the water level drops and you see the water leaking into the toilet, it means the flapper is loose or damaged.

If there is any obstruction in the flapper, clear the obstruction. If it is damaged, it may require replacing. To replace the flapper, turn off the water supply and flush the water. Install a matching flapper into the hinges and check if it fits correctly.

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